What does 111213 make you think of?

What does the number 111213 make you think of? I know you aren’t thinking of anything silly like, say… a calendar date. Why would you ever think of a calendar date for goodness sakes? It’s not like today is 11/12/13! In fact, it is November 12, 2013. Write it out, you lazy chumps! But I know you are thinking of something. Of course, you are probably not thinking of the right thing.

What are you supposed to be thinking of? That’s easy. You are supposed to be thinking of Sinai’s weight in tons!

What is it, you ask? 111,213, obviously!


Pictured: Sinai’s big belly gets her stuck for the sixth time today.

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Sometimes, I like to dream about talking to Sinai the Great, and I think that I'll never be able to do that. But then I remember that I can just comment on one of her many fantastic blog posts, and I immediately cheer up.